The great 1

CRank: 0Score: 10430

Looks like Ms is set to get fuking owned for a 23rd time, welcome chang3!

6216d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Halo is nothing but an overated game................ It sells like a hotcake because as it's been said many times before Xbox fanboys are so elite about there console all they do is try to promote it and they had no others games to play when Xbox was released so they decided to milk this game like no other, that's why the sequel was a fuking joke, there's many better fps out there, RFOM being one, the action beats halos action, Far Crty, Doom 23, Not HL 2, that wasen't that great and many oth...

6217d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Seriously who bought a PS23 with the intent of playing PS2 games on it not me, PS3 rules, end of story! Xbots are jealous, there only good games are on Pc hahaha. CAC 23 got it on PC today hehehaha!

6217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony ownes E3, they don't care about act 1 or act 2, they only care about act 3!

6217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Total geeks, i thought i'd seen it all but i guess not.

6217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He wasen't willing to say much about it, just that he worked on Vice city and stuff, but he did show me the building where it was getting made in Sunny old Scotland, Edinbrugh!

6218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PS3 rules, this is just plain scummy of MS to be so cheap, well that's just the MS way huh lol!

6218d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

It didin't stop you fools purchasing it on your Crapbox 360 hahahha, hahahahahah.

6219d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact that PS3 is going so fast at delivering with the online service and other stuff, looks like Xbox live will be a last gen thing by the end of this war hahaha, hahahaha.

6219d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Killzone 2 is gonna beat this game badly i think, Halo is nothing but overated junk now.

6219d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

What planet are you living on Marty, if people are so desperate or will be desperate to buy the 360 then why haven't they done it, i mean no it's not at $2300 but it's still around the price of the PS2 when it launched and we know how many consoles PS2 sold, so please tell me Marty why aren't we seing sales of 20M, PS3 has an excuse, the price, i'll tell you why Marty many people who buy a console aren't geeks like you who spend all there day looking up all the wee tiny factors that make the ...

6221d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

That was such a dumb fanboy post, does Sony have any games left this year to compete with the sh!tbox 180, hell yea it does, the question is does your sh!tbox have any good games to compete with PS3.

6226d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

My mate has 1 and it's broke 4 times in 3 months can anyone explain that, this may just be a fanboy comment to you all but seriously this is true the console keeps crashing during gamesplay and the screen goes all pixially also the 20GB is a joke, 7GB is needed for memory and setup menus, MS has screwed up there, i think the Xbox 360 could be the dreamcast 2, we all remember how the dreamcast used to break down with it's under piowered lasers, good console though, but any jery saying it was m...

6229d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhahahah ahahahahahaha and that's all i gotta say about that!

6232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mean it's only smart or mandatory to go with the console that will sell 100 million hahahah ahhahahaha, Sony Rule, MS sucks, as simple as that.

6232d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this were to be true it would be very embarrassing for MS and a major blow. Fact is this would really damage MS sales, for 1 Elite wouldn't look so elite and second they'd have to pay like $200 for an add on to play games now that sucks for you xbox owners, i'd feel cheated if i owned one, but i don't i own a PS3 so haha.

6235d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This man should be fired for his horrible work, i'm supprised nobody has shot this man for his tarnishing of the game world, that just proves that jack Thompson is a big fat liar, because if gammers were possessed by games, this UWE BOWL guy would have been on everyones hit list lol!

6239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On no i'm going to tell on you you said the f word, for fuk sake this article is lame as fuk, how in the blue hell can anybody be cyber raped, i mean come on it's not like it's hard to just press that wee x box on the top right hand corner of your internet browser, these people musta been living in a basement for too long either that or it's there first time they've been on the internet, alternativly these could just give them cheek back like saying fuk off.

6239d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's official he is so gay, that's why he's never been laid lol, i don't know why it took so long for me to work that out, well the sad thing is no girl will ever be able to try convert him, because he's suck a nerd who could never land 1 if he tried due to the fact that he's so in love with his Xbox 360 ouch, hahahah loser hahahahaha loser hahahahaha loser, if you had a biography Mart it would consist of 1 chapter, you and your affair with the PS3 come on Marty we all know you love it secret...

6242d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So if the gaymers don't like it don't buy it as simple as that, oh and mabye developers don't use gay characters because it's fuking gay as simple as that; and the game would suck balls as well as not sell. I couldn't give a fuk about gay people as long as they don't try to hit on me, but i'm really getting sick of them trying to force there opinion on others, how about they get on with there fukin lives and stop bugging the normal people who don't really give a sh*t about what the gay commun...

6242d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment